Blind Analyzers

In our fault analyses, we are increasingly encountering high-frequency network perturbations as the cause of system failures and defects.
Unfortunately, only a few - even actual - power quality analyzers offer corresponding possibilities to make these distortions visible. A certification of the device according to EN 61000-4-30 class A in the current version of 2015/2016 unfortunately does not say anything about the analysis possibilities in the range above 2.5 kHz. But in this frequency range the most interference occurs today.
The picture shows the difference between a sampling rate of 40 kHz (which is currently quite good) and a sampling rate of 1 MHz. Only with the higher sampling rate, the HF-distortions in the range of 30 kHz and 100 kHz become recognizable.
Only very few power quality analyzers on the market offer the possibility of permanent and complete monitoring of this frequency range from 2.5 to 150 kHz and beyond. This range is so important for our work!
But our customers don't have to worry about this.
We have known about this problem for a long time and using the necessary measurement technology, which is the best for each case.