EMC fault finding
When faults happen, we provide measurements and professional on-site assessments to analyze the causes of specific operational disruptions as a result of problems in your power grid. Based on our analysis, we develop a suitable and cost-effective solution for you.

Overview of common sources of EMC problems
In our experience, many manufacturers and operators of industrial plants are not aware of or have the necessary overview of possible fault causes and effects associated with inadequate electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) . Within our EMC fault analysis, we uncover the problems and provide clear and comprehensible recommendations for solutions.
Important services included in our EMC Fault Analysis:
- Power Quality Analysis with focus on the faulty equipment
- Measurements with special analyzers and configurations
- Analysis of the grid configuration
- Inspection of the grounding system and analysis of earth currents
- Measurements and monitoring of earth currents at and around the faulty equipment
- Inspection of the cables and their connection, including the cable trays
- If required and possible also analysis and measurements of possible other technical reasons of failures
Current in the grounding system
Current on the earthing system of plants and equipment is a common and widespread cause of failure in industrial plants and commercial enterprises. The currents can have different causes. In specialist circles it is often named as vagabonding current, which is mainly aimed at the choice of the wrong or EMC-unfriendly TNC or TNC-S grid. This is, however, from our experience only one of many causes of disturbing currents, e.g. on data cables, sensitive measuring devices, on cable shields, via controls and other equipment or housing parts. The current can then cause an interfering effect due to arising potential differences or its magnetic field and even lead to thermal destruction.
Common causes of current on the earthing / grounding system:
- Choice of the EMC unfriendly grid form TNC or TNC-S and thereby necessarily operational currents on the earthing system
- Multiple grounding of neutral wires within a TNS network (not permissible but frequent)
- Leakage current of equipment (very often by EMC filter)
- Incorrect cable laying and thereby inductively coupled (circular) currents
- External sources, e.g. rail grids (16.7 Hz), overhead lines and atmospheric discharges
Within the scope of our EMC fault analysis, we uncover the causes and paths of such currents, evaluate them for disturbance potential and provide clear recommendations for action.