Power quality and EMC fault analysis
Professional measurements with clear results and instructions
Using the latest measurement technologies to track down network issues
Using modern methods and high-performance power quality analyzers, PQ Professionals analyzes your low-voltage or medium-voltage grid and documents the individual behavior of the connected consumers in a comprehensive and easy-to-understand report with solution proposal.
Our measurement technique complies with the latest international standards, i.e. EN 61000-4-30, EN 61000-4-7 and EN 61000-4-15.
We rely on modern, high-performance network analyzers and monitoring equipment from renowned manufacturers like A. Eberle, HAAG, Fluke, PSL, ZES Zimmer and Yokogawa (measurements on converters).

Voltage disturbances, harmonic oscillations, reactive power
Most grid problems are caused by interactions between various consumers within increasingly complex power grids. Poor power quality costs money and, at worst, can lead to system disturbances and voltage-induced system failures.
Common problems:
- Sporadic plant disturbances, mostly in connection with the operation of other equipment
- Faulty measuring, control and regulation technology (e.g. false alarms, mostly due to insufficient EMC)
- Overheating and overloading of plants or plant parts (e.g. transformers)
- Premature equipment failures (e.g. power supply units)
- Triggering of switches and protective devices (false triggering)
- Defective reactive power compensation equipment
- Flickering lights (flicker)