Power Quality Professionals
Identify disturbing factors, analyze power quality, solve problems
15 Years of Experience in Power Quality and EMC Fault Analysis
PQ Professionals combines years of experience and expertise in the analysis and optimization of power quality in the electrical power supply (power quality) of low-voltage and medium-voltage grids. With modern engineering knowledge, we support our customers from industry, logistics and energy supply.
We see ourselves as problem solvers and product-independent consultants. Benefit from our experience in power quality and EMC fault analysis and solutions - from small office buildings to hospitals, manufacturing facilities, and complex and extensive industrial plants worldwide.
When it comes to solving problems, we will find the most suitable and cost-effective solution for your facility. We really enjoy working out the economically and technically most useful solution. In some cases, for example, a lot can be done by making simple changes to the wiring of a plant. At the same time, efficient and predictive sizing is essential to the design of filter solutions and reactive power compensation systems.
We are committed to building relationships with the most competent partners and companies in our field, as well as to ongoing training and the latest equipment and special tools. Therefore, we can offer you complete solutions including commissioning and maintenance from a single source.
We support our customers around the world from our offices in Leipzig (industrial region of Central Germany).

Our approach for optimized power quality:

Detecting power quality problems: We offer power quality monitoring (basic check of voltage quality), verification of power quality according international standards (like EN 50160, EN 61000-2-2, EN 61000-2-4, EN 61000-2-12, IEEE519, G5/4), harmonic analysis, grid simulations in preparation for plant extensions, commissioning / acceptance tests (FAT), grid monitoring, power quality measuring devices, consultancy and training.

Analyzing detected power quality problems: We offer power quality analysis, EMC fault analysis and troubleshooting, analysis of ground current in protective earth systems, studies and simulations of special grid situations and special operations, documentation of grids, clarification of cause and effect relation of faults in low, medium and high voltage applications, solution research.

We offer the dimensioning, delivery, installation, commissioning and maintenance of passive and active filter solutions, reactive power compensation equipment / power factor correction (PFC), active voltage stabilizers, flicker compensation, power quality monitoring / monitoring systems as well as planning, tendering, commissioning, monitoring and verification measurements for all solutions as an independent consultant.
The company history of PQ Professionals:
2008 foundation of Ingenieurteam Netzqualität GmbH
After several years of working with renowned companies from the industry, graduate engineer Frank Strobel and his business partners found Ingenieurteam Netzqualität GmbH. The initial headquarters are in Grosskugel (Saxony-Anhalt).
2011 name changed to Power Quality Professionals
Due to a large number of international projects the company’s name is changed to Power Quality Professionals.
2013 office opened in Leipzig
PQ Professionals expands and requires larger office space – the headquarters are moved to the industrial und trade fair city Leipzig.
2015 Concentration on product neutral consultancy and services
For strategic reasons the business was focused on product-independent services and consulting. This makes it possible to offer our customers a wider selection of solutions.
Contact person
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Frank Strobel
Managing Director
Specialist in network simulations, Power Quality analysis, measurement technologies, EMC fault finding and renewable energy applications
Other Qualifications: Technical Operations Management CCI
Phone: +49 (0) 3 41. 26 45 22 42
E-Mail: strobel@pq-professionals.de -
Barbara Dietrich
Office Clerk
Responsible for accounting and sales.
Phone: +49 (0) 3 41. 26 45 22 42
E-Mail: dietrich@pq-professionals.de
International Partners
Wömner Power Quality Solutions
Partner Consultancy in Turkey
Address: Istanbul Technology Development Zone, Teknopark İstanbul No: 1, 34906 Pendik/İstanbul
Mail: info@womner.com
Web: www.womner.com